Summer isn't a time when you think of using a slow cooker because you might associate it with hearty stews etc. But a quick internet search of "slow cooker" and "summer recipes" had me drooling over pulled pork sandwiches. Pickles almost always make a sandwich better and the Cubans have it down with this one.
So last night I sauteed up:
1 onion - chopped
1 big shallot - chopped
6 crushed cloves of garlic
1/2 tbsp chili powder
1/2 tbsp peppercorns
Then I added:
1/2 big can of diced tomatoes
some squirts of Worchestershire sauce
some squirts of soy sauce
1/4 cup brown sugar
a dash or two of dried thyme
This I let cool and then poured in 1/4 cup cider vinegar because when it is cooler it apparently is less stinky?
The marinade was then poured over top this lovely hunk o' pork (~2.5-3 lbs) and I let it sit in the ceramic part of the crock pot in the fridge over night.
Then in the a.m. I plugged the piggy in and set it on low. Went to work, but then became paranoid about leaving a small appliance on while I was not home, so I came home at lunch to check on the status. Since I live 2 minutes from work it wasn't a great hardship and it was already smelling awesome even though no one had been slaving over a hot stove all morning!
Then I came home, and after 10 hours in the crock pot I had THIS! Well, that is, after I hauled it out of the crock pot and deconstructed it with two forks.
Grilled up some whole wheat hamburgesa buns, chopped up some kosher pickles, slathered on some mustard and voila! Soooooo tender! Apparently the leftovers are also yummy if frozen into single serving sizes and then warmed up in the microwave later!